Placing “Bestial” Acts in Canada: Legal Meanings of “Bestiality” and Judicial Engagements with Sociality


  • James Gacek University of Edinburgh
  • Richard Jochelson University of Manitoba


This paper undertakes a critical methodology of case law that unpacks the sociality of the legal case. Our paper analyzes the legal
case of D.L.W. (2016) through the trial, appellate and Supreme Court decisions, and mines the legal texts produced for reasoning and
rhetoric pertaining to the interpretation of the legal term bestiality. The future for animal rights activists in Canada seems especially
bleak after the case. Wholesale legislative change might provide the only way forward for activists. By unpacking the legislative, social,
factual and judicial understandings of bestiality, it is clear them Supreme Court of Canada decision causes more problems for human-
animal relations than it solves.




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